"うねり"とは、太鼓奏者である林 幹(はやし・かん)と田川智文(たがわ・ともふみ)両名の打ち手が、三尺以上の大太鼓を両面から、1時間以上ノンストップで打ちこみ続けるプロジェクトです。演奏のほぼすべてが即興で構成され、観客や会場のエネルギーに呼応して、内容は変化していきます。
林 幹
田川 智文
広島県出身。10歳から和太鼓を始める。 地元の和太鼓倶楽部『美鈴が丘鬼城太鼓』、広島を拠点に活動する和太鼓音楽集団『太鼓本舗かぶら屋』を経て、2002年に和太鼓音楽集団『東京打撃団』に入団する為に上京。これまでに東京打撃団として海外では14カ国で文化交流事業に携わり、日本では各地での一般公演・学校公演に参加した。
また東京打撃団の一員として、東映映画『どろろ』に一部出演、『MIHARA YASUHIRO』のパリコレクションでの大太鼓演奏、ビジュアル系ロックバンド『己龍』のLIVEに参加し、2009年・2010年・2011年・2014年にはEXILE関連のLIVE TOURに同行する等、様々なシーンで活躍した。2022年3月を以って『東京打撃団』を退団。
I first encountered Taiko in my childhood. After firstly joining the choir, I learned Japanese Taiko, drums, and percussion for about 10 years. I participated in many overseas and domestic performances as parts of different groups during this period. During my time at University, I started to take Taiko more seriously as a career, and started to visit different provincial towns and cities around Japan to learn different local arts and folk entertainments. I started working on the production of various live events, while performing and holding workshops at different places including nurseries, elementary schools, and other educational institutions.
Concurrently, I held live events at clubs and music venues, collaborating with saxophonists, African drummers, pianists, dancers, DJs, tap dancers, rappers, and more. To this day, I collaborate with a wide range of musicians from different musical backgrounds and genres. Currently, while continuing to work on both solo and collaborative performances, I am also working hard on the production of my own music. In August 2010, I released my first solo album “molecule”. In the summer of 2012, I launched and performed as a leader for the project “sixthsense”, a rhythm group with changing and unspecified performers and genres. At the same time, I started the project “uneri” alongside Tomofumi Tagawa, a series of performances where the two of us perform using a single O-daiko. I also contributed to the soundtrack for the “NHK Special Kyoto Imperial Park” broadcasted on New Year’s Day in 2015. In 2016, I participated in the formation of the percussion trio “TRIPLEBOZE”, produced by Takuro Konno. My work va ries widely between teaching, studio work, performing, and other activities.
I was born in Hiroshima prefecture, and started Taiko drums at the age of 10, After joining the local Taiko club “Misuzugaoka Kijo Taiko” and the Taiko group “Taiko Honpo Kaburaya”, I moved to Tokyo in 2002 to join the Taiko music group “Tokyo Dageki Dan”. As part of “Tokyo Dageki Dan”, I have been involved in cultural exchange projects in 14 countries internationally, while participating in many performances both publically and at various schools within Japan.
As part of “Tokyo Dageki Dan”, I participated in a wide range of activities, including an appearance in the Toei movie “dororo”, an O-daiko performance at the Paris Fashion Week for MIHARA YASUHIRO, and participation in live tours related to the music group EXILE in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2014. In addition to live performances, I also provide technical guidance to Taiko drummers, provide my own musical compositions, teach lessons at various places including Taiko no Sato “Kyowakan”, the studio “Japanese Music Academy”, as well as various kindergartens, elementary schools and high schools.