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Photo by Shigeki Nakashoji


幼少期に和太鼓に出会う。小学生で地元の合唱団に入団、約10年間和太鼓・ドラム・パーカッションに取り組む。メンバーとして多くの国内公演をはじめ海外公演(スイス、ポルトガル)に参加。大学在籍中より和太鼓のキャリアを本格化させながら、地方都市、特に 興味を持った三宅島の郷土芸能を訪ね地元の保存会に通い学ぶ。2004年8月桃山晴衣「俳優修行」(東京都内)に参加後、2006年年頭まで岐阜・郡上八幡の「立光学舎」でのワークショップに通いスタッフとしても参加。並行してライブイベントのプロデュースや教育機関での演奏活動およびワークショップをスタート。またクラブやライブハウスにてセッションを重ね、ジャンルを超えた多くの アーティストと競演。

2010年8月初ソロCD "molecule"をリリース。2012年夏、自身をリーダーとした特定の参加ミュージシャンをもたない自由なリズムプロジェクト"sixthsense" を旗揚げ。また田川智文と共に大太鼓の打込みプロジェクト"うねり"スタートさせる。2015年元旦放送の「NHK スペシャル 京都御所」参加。2016年より今野多久郎(ex.SPECTRUM, KUWATABAND)  プロデュースの"TRIPLEBOZE"結成に参加。2017年・2021年、八神純子「ヤガ祭り」出演。2021年「うねり」でサントリーホール出演。現在、ソロで展開するステージやコラボレーションは勿論のこと楽曲製作にも精力的に取り組み、講師活動や学校での指導、スタジオワーク、イベントプロデュース、写真、イラストもこなす等、活動は多岐に亘る。一般社団法人みんなの伝芸理事全日本郷土芸能協会会員。植草学園大学非常勤講師。

[ 共演アーティスト ]
八神純子(Vocal), 浅野祥(津軽三味線), YO-SIN (Dance), 小山豊(津軽三味線), 天倉正敬 (Drums), 浦上雄次 (Tap dance), SARO (Tap dance), 梅津和時 (Sax), 類家心平 (Trumpet), 栗原健 (Sax), 後関好宏 (Baritone Sax), 山中信人 (津軽三味線), 小濱明人 (尺八), 深町純 (Piano), Jonathan Katz(piano), 石川智久 (Piano, Synth), Christopher Hardy(Percussion), よしうらけんじ (Percussion), 伊波淑 (Congas), 吉羽一星 (Timbales), 田川智文 (和太鼓), 浅野町子 (和太鼓), DJ JIFROCK (Scratch), VJ 下水道 (Visual effect) ほか多数

I first encountered Taiko in my childhood. After firstly joining the choir, I learned Japanese Taiko, drums, and percussion for about 10 years. I participated in many domestic performances as well as overseas performances in Switzerland and Portugal as parts of different groups during this period. During my time at University, I started to take Taiko more seriously as a career, and started to visit different provincial towns and cities around Japan to learn different local arts and folk entertainments. In particular, I grew interested in the local arts of Miyake Island, so I visited their preservation society and studied there. In August 2004, I took part in the workshop “Actor Training” by Harue Momoyama held in Tokyo, and started attending the workshop “Ryuko Gakusha” in Gujo Hachiman, Gifu and worked as a staff until early 2006. Concurrently, I held live events at clubs and music venues, collaborating with saxophonists, African drummers, pianists, dancers, DJs, tap dancers, rappers, and more. To this day, I collaborate with a wide range of musicians from different musical backgrounds and genres.

In August 2010, I released my first solo album “molecule”. In the summer of 2012, I launched and performed as a leader for the project “sixthsense”, a rhythm group with changing and unspecified performers and genres. At the same time, I started the project “uneri” alongside Tomofumi Tagawa, a series of performances where the two of us perform using a single O-daiko. I also contributed to the soundtrack for the “NHK Special Kyoto Imperial Park” broadcasted on New Year’s Day in 2015. In 2016, I participated in the formation of the percussion trio “TRIPLEBOZE”, produced by Takuro Konno (formerly worked on SPECTRUM, KUWATABAND). In 2017and 2021, I performed in “Yagamatsuri".

In addition to performing solo and collaboratively, my work widely varies between composition, holding classes, working with local schools, and working as a studio musician.

[ Collaborators in the past ]
Junko Yagami(Vocal), Yutaka Oyama(Tsugaru-shamisen), Masanori Amakura (Drums), Yuji Uragami (Tap-dance), SARO (Tap-dance), Umezu Kazutoki (Sax), Shinpei Ruike (Sax),  Takeshi Kurihara (Sax), Yoshihiro Goseki (Baritone Sax), Nobuto Yamanaka (Tsugaru-shamisen), Akihito Obama (Shakuhachi), Jun Fukamachi (Piano), Jonathan Katz (Piano), Tomohisa Ishikawa (Piano, Synth), Christopher Hardy (Percussion), Kenji Yoshiura (Percussion), Yoshi Iba (Congas), Issei Yoshiba (Timbales), Tomofumi Tagawa (Taiko),  Machiko Asano (Taiko), DJ JIFROCK (Scratch), YO-SIN (Dance), VJ Gesuidoh (Visual effect)

Among many others.
(No particular order)

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